Monday, August 17, 2020

Seasons of Spam

Seasons of Spam Ten thousand thirty-two hundred eighty semi-hours Ten thousand thirty-two hundred moments so dear Ten thousand thirty-two hundred eighty semi-hours How do you measure, MIT time? In psets, in physics In midnights, in cans of Red Bull. In tooling, in frats, in lectures, in hacks. In ten thousand thirty-two hundred eighty semi-hours How do you measure, measure frosh year? How about spam? How about spam? How about spam? Measure in spam. Seasons of spam Seasons of spam Ten thousand thirty-two hundred eighty semi-hours Ten thousand thirty-two hundred emails to read Ten thousand thirty-two hundred eighty semi-hours How do you measure the life of a MIT frosh? You can always spam However you want But just remember Something called BCC Its time now, to sing out Though the spamming never ends Lets celebrate Remember a year in chain email spam Remember the spam (oh you got to, you got to remember the spam) Remember the spam (I only have twenty thousand and six) Remember the spam (Share spam, give spam, spread spam) Measure in spam (Measure, measure this year in spam) Seasons of spam Seasons of spam (Measure this year, measure this year in spam) Case in point: Gmail (June 2004 current) Inbox: 5107, Sent: 507 MIT Mail (August 2007 current) Inbox: 16488, Sent: 1366 (note: I dont forward my MIT email to Gmail, and Ive already taken myself off lists that send too much mail =p) And some technologically-related issues. Yesterday was the grand opening of the biggest Apple store in the US, and, although Im not *technically* an Apple fan (I love my Macbook Pro, but I refuse to buy an iPhone I didnt even own an iPod until just a year ago), I felt like I should go and partake in the festivities. So I got to Boylston on foot (my bike was stolen thanks a lot, whoever stole my bike a week ago congratulations though, since one of the brakes on that bike is completely snapped off) at 5:30, and there was already a line forming for like 3 blocks down a side street. At 6:45, after much scuffling, I was greeted by a column of enthusiastic Apple employees while getting a free T-shirt shoved into my arms. I felt like Napoleon, doing his Triumphal Entry. It was great. To be honest, although theres so much hype about this store, I cant see anything thats really different from a regular Apple store (remember the spiral staircase in NYCs Fifth Ave Apple Store? Weve got one of those). There were a TON of enthusiastic employees though (I surmise some were recruited from other stores just for this event), and I managed to glimpse MIT upperclassmen working as employees hmmm, potential discounts? =D Yeah aside from the great smell of new paint in the store and the dozens of iMacs and Macbook Airs they have lined up in the store I felt like T-shirt I got should have said, I lined up for two hours and all I got was this freakin T-Shirt! Haha but in all honesty, the store isnt bad and yay for getting another free shirt. :)

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